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Bond Oxborough Phillips Key
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Alex Gallifent

Alex Gallifent MNAEA

Office Manager

Bideford Office Details

5 Bridgeland Street, Bideford, Devon, EX39 2PS
Tel: 01237 479999

Since joining the team at Bond Oxborough Phillips Alex has committed 100% of his effort and focus into exceeding expectations in every aspect of Estate Agency. Alex's dedication has been rewarded with a swift rise through the ranks, first to Senior Negotiator and then to Branch Manager. Along the way Alex has been awarded the title of Sales Candidate of the Year by the National Association of Estate Agents for achieving the top marks out of over 700 candidates nationwide in his estate agency examinations. His core belief is that the secret to success in life is to put your heart into everything that you do.

When did you join Bond Oxborough Phillips?


The thing I enjoy most about my job is

Capturing the essence of a property with excellent photos, videos and descriptions

When I'm not in the office, you can usually find me

At home with my wife and my little boy

One thing you may not know about me is

I am a fully qualified Tai Chi instructor

Three things I would struggle to live without are

My health, My family, My morning meditation practice

If I could jump on a plane and go anywhere tomorrow, it would be

Next stop... India

My greatest fear is

A big hairy spider crawling up my trouser leg while I am driving

Favourite foods

A fresh fruit salad

Favourite films

Fight Club, Forrest Gump, Platoon

Guilty pleasures

An afternoon nap on my day off

Personal Playlist

Ren, Falling in reverse, NF

Favourite authors

Yogananda, Michael Singer, Eckhart Tolle

The three words I'd use to describe myself are

Ingenious, Gorgeous, Humble... perhaps a bit of a Joker as well

Looking for another branch?

We have branches located across the entire south west of England

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Thank you for keeping us updated and for a very good service.
V G Lewis
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